Edmunds Cylindrical Gages

Precision Plugs, Rings and Master Discs
Manufacturer: Edmunds Gages

There's no way around it. Cylindrical gages simply have to be perfect to measure accurately. Many view cylindricals as commodity items. However, there are differences in how they are made which can affect their stability and reliability. We don't think anyone else goes to as much trouble making cylidricals as we do. Take our double temperature stabilization process, for example. Or our cadre of highly skilled hand-lappers who can "feel" when a ring or master needs .0001" of material removed to be within tolerance. It's amazing to watch! They are 100% inspected under strict laboratory controls that assure optimum measurement accuracy. Further, our cylindricals can be certified and be directly traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology. We offer inch or metric plain ring gages in steel, chrome or tungsten carbide. Our master setting discs are available in three styles, and our plug gages may be specified as reversible, taper lock, tri-lock or progressive. All Edmunds cylindricals are available in classes Z, Y, X, XX.

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